rFactor 2

DR Sim Manager uses the rF2SharedMemoryMapPlugin developed by The Iron Wolf: GitHub Repository

The plugin DLL is packaged with DR Sim Manager.

Installation Steps

  1. Copy the Plugin DLL

    • Navigate to the DR Sim Manager plugins folder:

    • Copy the file:

    • Paste it into the rFactor 2 plugins folder:

      \rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\
    • For the Steam version, the default plugin path is:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins\
  2. Enable the Plugin in rFactor 2

    • Launch rFactor 2.

    • Go to Settings.

    • Under Plugins, enable the rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.

Once enabled, DR Sim Manager should be able to read telemetry data from rFactor 2.

Last updated