Virtual Tracker
Virtual Tracker for VR Motion Compensation
The Virtual Tracker is designed to send the simulator's position to motion compensation software like OXRMC (OpenXR Motion Compensation) and OVRMC (OpenVR Motion Compensation). Its main purpose is to allow the motion compensation software to cancel out the simulator's movement in the virtual reality view. This ensures that while the simulator physically moves, the VR view remains stable, preventing the user from experiencing unwanted motion in their visual field.
Using the Virtual Tracker is a better alternative to relying on a physical tracker. It provides more precise and seamless integration with the simulator's motion, eliminating the need for a physical tracking device and improving overall accuracy in VR motion compensation.
By default, the virtual tracker's position is set to the Center of Rotation (CoR), but you can reposition it using the Offset option, where dimensions are entered in millimeters. This is particularly helpful for placing the tracker at your eyepoint, simplifying alignment in OXRMC or OVRMC.
Setting Up the Tracker Type
DR Sim Manager uses the FlyPT Mover MMF output format. To configure OXRMC, edit the configuration file located at:
In the [tracker]
section, set the tracker type to 'flypt':
Center of Rotation (CoR)
Understanding the CoR's location is crucial for proper setup:
Hexapods: The CoR is at the centroid of the upper platform.
Quadposts: The CoR is located on the plane that the four actuators rest on, which could be either the ground or the cups if mounted on a surge or sway platform.
Smoothing and Gain Adjustment
Each axis—Sway, Surge, Heave, Pitch, Roll, and Yaw—allows independent adjustment of:
Offset (mm): Define a custom offset for each axis.
Smoothness (Lowpass Samples): Control the number of lowpass samples to reduce noise and provide smoother data.
Gain: Adjust the amplification of movement per axis to fine-tune responsiveness.
To troubleshoot the virtual tracker output, use the MMF Reader bundled with OXRMC. This tool allows you to inspect and verify the data being sent to the memory-mapped file, ensuring everything is set up correctly.
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