IL-2 Sturmovik

In order to make IL-2 game to send the telemetry via UDP, insert the two sections in game data/startup.cfg file below:

[KEY = motiondevice]
    addr = ""
    decimation = 1
    enable = true
    port = 20888
[KEY = telemetrydevice]
    addr = ""
    decimation = 1
    enable = true
    port = 20888

If you use another software that also uses IL-2 telemetry data, like SimShaker, you can instead insert the following code to output to the DRSM port and the default port 4321.

[KEY = telemetrydevice]
	addr = ""
	addr1 = ""
	decimation = 1
	enable = true
	port = 4321
[KEY = motiondevice]
	addr = ""
	addr1 = ""
	decimation = 1
	enable = true
	port = 4321

Last updated